Calendar Settings

Quick Access Link:

Locale / Calendar Start Day Of The Week

The start day is determined by your Locale, set the Language and Dialect. The following example shows the difference between US and UK english for example:

  • English (United States) - Calendar the first day of the week is Sunday
  • English (United Kingdom) - Calendar first day of the week is Monday

On Load View Calendar

This determines which calendar view is shown by default whenever the calendar page is visited.

  • Day - Current day will show with time steps as rows.
  • Week - All 7 days show with time steps as rows.
  • Work Week - Saturday & Sunday will not show.
  • Month - All days will show for the selected month.
  • Agenda - A list view of all the entries for the month ahead.

Trim & Scroll Position

This relates to the Day, Week and Work Week views of the calendar, so you can focus on your usual operating time e.g. if you work from 9am to 5pm in which case, trim you calendar from 8:00 to 18:00 (which gives a buffer hour either side for clarity).

Other General Setup Settings & Preferences

All the settings will have in-app descriptive tooltips beside them, please consult those in-app help tips before application.

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