List System

Migrating from the previous list system.

What happens when you migrate? all that happens is the information currently in you single list, gets populated into the list that will have been newly created. From then on, the new lists service will supercede the original list service.

Create a list

Simply click the create new list button, and enter a name for your list. There are 3 views from which you can create a new list,

  • The Dashboard Widget (in Personal DayViewer)
  • The Main List View
  • The Lists Board View

Interactive Guide

The best way to show many of the main features and improvements is by viewing our interactive guide which highlights all the features.


Set item priority by selecting the Priority menu item against the list item. Can be low, or high - this is a simple visual indicator of what you wish to highlight or do more urgently

Archiving & Deleting Lists

The difference between archiving a list and deleting is that deleting is a permanent removal of the list (without recovery!) 

Archived lists can be recovered from via the tables (search for entries with the recovery link to the list name). Click link to restore your list - it will once again be visible in the lists board and selectors.


The timer system, is a way to keep a track of how long it takes to complete your tasks / work / session or whatever you need to time. Use pause when you need to get away from your workstation for a break, and resume where you left off by clicking play. The timer can only be stopped once the list item is checked as completed. A summary will show the time taken along with any paused time if paused.

Resetting your list item completely removes the timer. If you prefer to hide the timer itself  or information instead, use the Hide Timer feature in settings.

Countdown Timer

The countdown timer enables you to set a date or time in the future from which you hope to complete your to-do item. Alternatively, use as a way to countdown to meaningful dates or deadlines.

Countdown timer information can be noted by selecting the Information menu item in the drop down menu for that item.

Resetting the list item clears the countdown timer, along with other timers, settings and states.


From any item, it is possible to create a sub-list, (i.e. a list within a list) this is great for categorizing your workload or information. Sub-lists have similar list menu abilities such as Showing Progress Bar, and Toggling Pagination Mode. however some features like Cloning, Attaching Labels, Setting as Default are not available. 

Drag & Drop Positioning

At this time, drag and drop repositioning can only be done within the same list, unfortunately you cannot drop into another sub-list or another list on your list board. To move the item to another list, please select Move To List in the list item menu.

Send Item

You can send any list item to create a note or a calendar entry. Useful for sketching out your work schedule then creating entries as needed.

Progress Bar

Indicates the progress percentage according to items checked (from the same lists level - not including sub-list items.)

Troubleshooting Lists

Having a problem with drag and drop positioning? clone your list and retry.

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