AI Generated Fitness Schedule

Play the guide below to see how AI can create a fitness schedule and then take the steps to integrate it into you calendar.

00:00: This guide provides a step by step walkthrough of How To Quickly Create A Fitness Schedule using Dayviewer 00:07: Click on "Chat AI" 00:10: Navigate to "New Chat" 00:13: Select the "Question" option 00:16: Fill in the prompt as required, in our case a request for a weekly schedule for exercise ideas, then hit send. 00:24: We will next select the first list in our schedule. 00:28: A menu will appear after highlighting a range of text in the chat response. Click the calendar Icon to create a task in our calendar. 00:38: A calendar entry form will open up, Select preferred entry type, in this case we want a task that we can check off progress as it is done. Fill out the details. 00:49: We'll pick the date and time from here 00:52: We're raring to go, so let's start this routine from next week. 00:57: Click on the "OK" field 01:00: 30 min should cover the duration. 01:03: Click "More Details" if the editor is folded away. 01:07: The schedule we selected earlier can now be pasted into the editor. 01:12: All looking good for our first morning fitness routine, click on "Add" to save it. 01:18: Highlight the list, a menu will appear. Select the option to "Update Checklist" 01:24: As you will see a checklist has now been created. You can click to open this list. 01:30: We'll go to our checklist area to make our checklist into task stages. 01:35: Select this to allow you to view the checklist as steps in your task - it's optional, but a great way to make your tasks more manageable 01:44: We're done so let's save our first routine! 01:48: Back in your calendar, select the first routine. 01:52: Select the option to "Show Agenda" 01:56: Bang out those reps! 01:59: We've done our set, lets check it off on the task. 02:03: Go through, and check off as you progress through the steps. 02:08: The process typifies how we can easily generate a daily schedule of tasks. Use for Recipes, studying, work tasks and more. 02:20: We've covered the steps to How To Create A Fitness Schedule in Dayviewer with the aid of AI. Follow along this guide and make one for yourself.

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Create Stages / Agendas In Entries