DayViewer Entry Types


The basic entry type is suitable for simple reminders or notes in your calendar.

Entries contain: 

  • Title
  • Start Date & Time
  • End Date & TIme or Duration


  • Description
  • Location
  • Labels
  • Reminder

Additional (Optional)

  • List - Informational item list without interactivity
  • Checklist - Item list with checkboxes
  • File Attachment (Image/File)
  • Form Attachment (DayViewer Forms)
  • Set As Shareable - Generate a link you can share with others.


Tasks are entries which you wish to track or set progress and completion. Tasks contain all the properties as entries and these additional optional parameters:

  • Progress
  • Priority
  • Assignee (Team Rooms) parameters.
  • Auto Defer Incomplete (push out incomplete tasks by a set period until complete)

Within Tasks with a Checklist is auto-linked to Progress (eg. Checking 5 item from a total list of 10 will equate to 50% Progress).


Events are great for appointments, meetups and events with contacts. Events also have either a physical location or a link associated, therefore useful for IRL events as well as virtual meetings or appointment calls / bookings.

Events contain all the properties of entries, and these additional optional parameters:

  • Attendee List - Selectable from your contacts directory.
  • Add Share Buttons - Shareable buttons on event invitations page.
  • Organizer Contact - Email address of the organizer so you can get in touch.

You may make an attendee list from your contacts and be able to email them an invitation, or share a link with them for the event details.


Payment entry types are to help you track your expenses and to help you budget. It may also be useful in tracking orders and other business transactions. 

Payment Entries contain all the properties of entries, and these additional parameters.

  • Amount (Required) - Total transaction amount (should be positive number).
  • Currency (Required)
  • Income/Expense (Required) - Also known as direction (money going out or coming in, this determines +ve or -ve of the amount)


  • Reference - E.g. an Invoice no., or similar transaction ID
  • Tax Content - Amount of tax that the total contains.

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Creating Calendar Entries